Collected From: Internet/ Websites POETRY SECTION Letter to Live Poets, I by Bruce Beaver (1928 –) Summary A series of linked poems, published as they came out of the poet’s pen, were poetic products of an imagination which feared a collapse of its sanity. Bruce Beaver, the Australian poet, addresses his counterpart in the United States, Frank O’ Hara, who met with his tragic end in a quirky accident: he was run over by a beach buggy. Critics compare these poems of Beaver with Robert Lowell’s Life studies. Living in Down Under, the poet complains about the slowness of the news in arriving at the Australian shores. The truth reaches us slowly here, Is delayed in the main continually Or censored in the tabloids. The poet presents us with vignettes of contemporary events which had a tremendous impact on people of his generation. Though he refrains from specifying the war, it is obvious he is referring to the Vietnam War, in w...