
Indian Writing in English B A II Sem IV (Notes)

  Syllabus Semester IV I) General/Survey Topics:    (Credit: 01)                (Lectures-15) 1. Salient Features of Post-Independence Indian English Novel. (With special reference to prescribed text)   II) Poems Prescribed: ( Credit:01) (Lectures:15) 1. Dilip Chitre: Father Returning Home 2. O. P. Bhatnagar: On Beautiful Things 3. Keki N Daruwalla: Tiger 4. Eunice De Souza: Forgive Me, Mother 5. Gauri Deshpande: The Female of the Species III) Novel: (Credit: 02) (Lectures-30) R. K. Narayan: The Vendor of Sweets   Pattern of Question Paper                                                   Total Marks: 40 Q. 1 Rewrite the follo...